

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Personal Historical Perspectives

**My apologies! I am awful at grammar, punctuation and the english language in general....all are valid reasons why I opted for science.**

I have attempted, on several occasions, to write my thoughts down in a Journal. One that i might be able to reflect on later to help remind myself of why on earth I decided to pursue my Master's degree and convinced my self to not stop until I have my PhD. Now I sit here with majority of my Master's behind me and my thesis in front of me. I am subdued by ideas of grandeur with no substantial reasons for such delusions. Perhaps, I'll perfect the proper golf swing and bring Tiger back into relevance( the problems a simple wreck can cause!), a free throw and help the Heat live up to expectations(or make the Cavaliers more competent?), maybe I'll discover some technological breakthrough in physiology to exponentially increase the abilities of normal humans. Although at the end of the day I have 12 wadded up pieces of paper laying within various distances from my South Carolina Gamecocks wastebasket...the good news is I made 65% of those "free throws"

I have a talent for breaking complexity into simplicity. I have always been able to teach, show and explain things in a way that "clicks". I have chosen to acquire my PhD in order become a college professor to try and steer young minds away from the mistakes I made as a young, lost college student. Side benefit is to weed out the usual suspects I see in class everyday gossiping, flirting and being as insignificant as the generation before them. By chance I will fail but in my never humble opinion I will not fail, I will succeed. Whether arrogance, intelligence, brilliance or stupidity and sheer dumb luck I will succeed.

  • So says the man with nothing to lose and a reputation to gain.

My journey thus far has been an amalgamation all the things that will allow me to die and say "whew! can't believe I survived but I'm glad I experience it". I "decided" in October 2006 to get my butt in gear and get back into college. This was driven by an event but that may or may not be covered sometime in the future. Where was I? Oh yeah, its Fall 2006 I'm going back to school..I hate business so I look around, I find Kinesiology and the Dept Chair really took me under her wing. I explained everything about why I came back to school, including the unfortunate incident, and she allowed me into her program with a one point something bad GPA(impressed yet?). 3 years later I walk across the stage and receive my Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology. Looking back, that most unfortunate even was the greatest thing I've ever experienced. God works in mysterious ways. Now I am a Graduate Assistant at this school, my Master's degree is free, I receive a monthly stipend for essentially doing nothing. Apparently the big guy thinks that I learned some valuable lessons and he could bless me with such an occasion. Whatever the reasons, come whatever may...I love this situation and am eternally grateful for second chances for wretches like me.

Okay, enough rambling for one post. Tune in next time for even further digging into this insane ride called My Life.


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