I think I discovered an ancient Sith Lord living in my subconscious. I wonder what he wants? Why does he like to stick that lightsaber in my arbor vitae? I feel him because my senses go nuts with daring, courage and a boldness that invites someone to test me. That whole try me so I can relish in your failure to beat me thing.
"...Through victory my chains are broken..."
"How overly dramatic."
You know those days when you don't dump coffee on yourself, when you don't leave the wallet or phone at home, when you don't get rain water in your shoes or down you back? Yeah, nice day, average day. You just feel...I don't know...subdued? muted? Anyone know what causes that issue? Things are good, full belly, gas in the car, roof over your head, job to go to, education and good friends/significant other but you still feel...c'mon help me whats the word...
"...pathetic, unfit to rule, unworthy of being my apprentice..."
"...settle down in there..."
Ah yes, you just feel 'blah'. I can't define that word but I think everyone knows that feeling. Well anyways, this happens on occasion so then I disappear into a book as soon as I am able to. I WISH I had the ability to write like some of those authors. Their imaginations so vivid, so real and so believable. In Tolkiens world you can hear the birds in Imladris, you can feel the palpable dark of Khazad-dûm. Rowling brought us smoky, smelly potion rooms an..."page three-hundred...and ninety-four."(I love these books). Even countless authors within the Star Wars Galaxy fueled my suspicion that this guy is really inside my mind....complete side note, I'm very glad Lucas brought us the fiction world but not nearly as thankful that he didn't limit that world...enough said. Other people did magnificently with what he released. However, R2-D2 might just be in my top 3 heroes of all time through all fiction!
"These aren't the droids you're looking for...move along..."
"Oh, now you're just mocking me"
Well, my love of books, borderline insanity and revelation of why i love books(can I even say that twice in a sentence?) have inspired me to...you guessed it, go read. So I will call it a night, read a book and enjoy some peace of mind!
"Peace is a lie. There is only passion..."
"Shut up already!"
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