Foreign Policy
So, Egypt is in a state of chaos and people want the U.S. to be more involved...hang on a dang second...the reason we have these sand rats sticking bombs to their chest and blowing their jihad all over the middle east is because of the meddling U.S. gov't in their affairs. Perspective, how would you like it if N. Korea suddenly starting pulling strings in our gov't. I use N. Korea bc their values are night and day from ours. Iran is adding fuel to the fire, Obama is calling for peaceful solution and human rights while he has the "President" of China over for tea while China rips families apart andd forces its people to bow to the govt will at the barrel of a gun. Yeah, preach on about human rights...while you trounce all over the one piece of paper that saves the American people from similar fate...(mandating us to buy something?). No I'm not anti-Obama anything, I'm not anti-democrat or anti-republican. I wish both parties would dissolve, they have done more to handicap this once great nation and are doing everything in their power to bring it to its knees(by making us go bankrupt)
As of right now I believe there are only two men in gov't that I trust. Ron Paul and Rand Paul. Sure, they are a little out there on foreign policy, but you will never find more staunch constitutionalists. Rand Paul has produced more legitimate ways to cut spending by $500 billion($500,000,000,000). I'll admit, I'm developing a bit of a man crush on the Pauls. Limited federal government power, cutting useless and constitutionally overreaching programs: Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, Foreign development(we have 10% unemployment here, but we HAVE to help X people in some foreign country...really?) plus a number of other completely wasteful departments that do nothing but allow a massive increase in Govt power in our daily lives.
Medicare and SS.
Okay, I'll hit a soft-spot with alot of the so called "experts" say that we dont need to worry about this running out until 2038 I think...great, the YEAR I turn 55 I'll have paid(based on estimated Professor annual income of $77k)
- If you earn $77,000 in self-employment income, you must pay self-employment taxes on $71109.50 ($77,000 x .9235). You then pay a tax of 15.3% on that income (12.4 percent for Social Security and 2.9 percent for Medicare) for a subtotal of $10,879.75 Now multiply that by 27, the number of years until I hit that age.
Something has to be done, the youth of America are about to take a HUGE hit in the next few years when the baby boomers retire and start collecting this money.
The Department of Education(costs 10% of the Federal budget)
I'm not going to dignify this tragic program with anything other than these numbers:
- In December 2010, the OECD reported that the U.S. ranked 14th in reading skills, 17th in science, and 25th in mathematics (considered below average) out of 35 developed nations.
My last big point of irritation.
Health Care. yes I agree 10000% we desperately need health Care Reform. However, this reform bill that was crammed down the throats of the American people was a tragedy in the beginning. You can not force me to buy anything Mr. President. You will never force me to buy anything. The Constitution does not explicitly give you the right to dictate someones ability to "pursue the American Dream". Life liberty and pursuit of happiness(which you claimed in the Constitution, never appears there...its in the Declaration of Independence...have ANY of the "lawmakers" in D.C. read these documents?)...regardless, because that person can not afford something does not mean that someone else has denied them most CERTAINLY does not mean that I must be forced to fund their endeavors.
You politicians try and make this health care issue so...*forgive me*...damn complicated. its very very simple. I am not a politician, a Doctor(yet), a medical professional or a lawyer and I know how to fix health-care within months. The exact same way every other form of insurance functions.
- Allow the public to purchase health care across state lines.
Did you know that high Health insurance costs are NOT due to health care costs? Nope, they are more related to state fees.
I read somewhere that a 25-year old male with good health pays $1,000 in Kentucky, yet in New Jersey it might cost upwards of $6,000. States with more mandates drive the costs of health insurance up so if you're in a state with alot of mandates and issues...tough luck.
This would also increase that American tradition of...competition. Drive the prices low so people will buy. Econ 101...the thing is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If you have 3 providers in your state you can choose between: $715, $735, or $720 a month. Open up intrastate insurance and I can guarantee you'll see a dramatic drop in your costs fairly rapidly. Granted state governments also regulate automotive insurance by mandating MINIMAL requirements but guess what...most every insurance company has multiple plans to meet certain mandates.
There, I said my piece. No these aren't fix all and everything will be wonderful, but steps that I feel should be taken before we allow the most inept to govern whats best for my well being.
I read somewhere that a 25-year old male with good health pays $1,000 in Kentucky, yet in New Jersey it might cost upwards of $6,000. States with more mandates drive the costs of health insurance up so if you're in a state with alot of mandates and issues...tough luck.
This would also increase that American tradition of...competition. Drive the prices low so people will buy. Econ 101...the thing is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If you have 3 providers in your state you can choose between: $715, $735, or $720 a month. Open up intrastate insurance and I can guarantee you'll see a dramatic drop in your costs fairly rapidly. Granted state governments also regulate automotive insurance by mandating MINIMAL requirements but guess what...most every insurance company has multiple plans to meet certain mandates.
There, I said my piece. No these aren't fix all and everything will be wonderful, but steps that I feel should be taken before we allow the most inept to govern whats best for my well being.
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