No more whiny musings about the past. I got that out of my system. Now, onto the present mentality...which began, sigh, in 07.
Fall 2007- I spoke with Dr. Dohoney at August State University's Department of Kinesiology. Im given a chance in her department.
Spring2008- 4.0 semester and I decide to take Anatomy & Physiology I & II in the summer(both were 4 week classes) I was advised against it.
Summer2008- The information came naturally to me, it was rough but easy at the same time.
Those 3 semesters and the encouragement & mentoring I received from ASUs DoK faculty gave me so much confidence in my abilities that the past didn't really matter, it only served as fuel to encourage me forward.
Everything that has transpired since 10/2006 has been so amazing and wonderful that there is no way that it has come about because I did something to help it...I coulcn't have written it any smoother.
2008-20010 I was, mostly, the top in every class. Students asked me for help, teachers would talk to me about anything. I was well known in numerous departments on campus and even Dept Chairs would value my opinion.
May 2010-I graduated college with my B.S. Kinesiology. Amazing day. I thank God for that day. I remember my immediate family and close friends expressing how proud they were of my journey and how much I'd accomplished. That is a feeling that would grant confidence to anyone.
August 2010- Awarded a full-ride as a graduate assistant at ASU. Paid a monthly stipend and my tuition is waived.
April 2011- 1/2 of the equipment I need for my research will be funded through the College of Education(THANKS Dr. EISENMAN!!!). This is huge, not only because of the funding. I could easily perform my research without this equipment, however...with this equipment it allows my research to act as a base of support for future research into how the nervous system aids people in becoming stronger and more resilient...this is important because my dream is to research possible ways to ease the symptomatic suffering of people with Multiple Sclerosis...again, Gods hand is at work...I know I'm on the right track
I decided at this time, that when i could afford a nice Degree frame that I would show it and I would also frame the DUI citation in the same frame as my Degree. Mainly as a constant reminder that God can use an "awful" thing to bring great good. As well as remind me of what he can do that we never know what is coming from a thing.
I rambled some there but you can now see, kinda of, how my journey has gone...We alwasy here miraculous stories about great men that God has used in the past: Moses, David, Paul etc my egotistical thoughts I wonder...could I be one of those men? Is this an "evil" or "sinful" process? Not inherently no, however...if becoming one of those men becomes my goal then my eyes on are ME and not on God. In my heart I aspire to be used like one of those men, however...I trust that God will use me as he sees fit. I dont want to be the next Einstein, Da Vinci, Socrates, Patton, Lewis or Wilde. I only wish to pursue the things they achieved...Greatness in their field. because if I achieve greatness then God is glorified because of the work he has done through me...although if he does not permit that greatness then perhaps I may become a stepping stone for someone to come along and CURE these awful degenerative neural diseases.
I dont know, in fact, I dont even know what I dont know. That, to me, is the key point. I dont know where God is taking me. I dont know what his plans for me are. I do know that, without a doubt, he will carry me through whatever obstacles he lays in my path.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
-WIlliam Ernest Henley
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