Okay, another tangential rant coming up...please close the door on your way out.
Why, on God' green earth are we so terrible concerned with HIV/AIDS in Africa, when it affects people here? Why on God's green earth are we so concerned with sending billions to some country that most of our nation can not find on a map?
We have children in orphanages here. We have hungry and homeless here. We have veterans from Vietnam suffering from illness and disease.
Is it bad that Africa has NOTHING? Yes, but you know what else Africa is? None of our...pardon me...damn business. In America we have this guilt of success some strange feeling like we've extorted the world in some fashion. We have Obama making apologies for leveling European cities. Know what I would have said? I am sorry that we had no alternative but to destroy your cities TO SAVE YOUR CITIZENS LIVES.
Why should we feel guilty? Our ancestors fought oppression and won this country. We have provided the world with numerous wonderful things based on the ingenuity and determination of our people.
Elitism. That is all I can come up with. The leaders of this country: Democrat & republican alike, are elitist in tht they feel they need to help those below them.
Yes America, the federal government (perhaps NOW they are shifting to respect) has for the past 10-16 year regarded its people are beneath it. Zero transparency, accountability and unafraid of public opinion. The current administration thinks MORE government will fix it all. This is where I go ancient on you, remmeber Rome? Its government expanded so dramatically until the empire collapsed because of disorganization, fraud, corruption and the sheer weight and cost of its government. Right now, as it stands, each American citizen actually owns about $155,000 of the national debt...No that's not money that is owed to you, that is how much you owe thanks to the idiotic spending of the American government. Hold on, this rides about to get alot worse: Approx 30% of the CURRENT workforce will retire in the next 5-15 years, get ready medicare/SS benefits...bend over, grab your ankles and bite something...this is really going to hurt.
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