

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rainy day rambling

Captains log: Day 65 of this miserable cold, ice everywhere...Im not sure we can hold out much longer.

Actually no where near that cold or that long but it certainly feels that way. Sure, its like 30-40s outside and rainy

I may have my man card revoked for saying that I did not watch the Super Bowl.  However, I did hear portions of it from my desk, where I labored over my Master's literature review.  I heard Christina Aguilera perform two obscenities to our National Anthem.  

1) She screwed up the words...c'mon, really?  Is it that hard?
2) She butchered the tune of it by "adding her own flavor"...yes you have a great vocal range, stick to belting out your own music not by making our anthem interesting.  Don't take it personally, I hate ALL singers that butcher this song...its so moving and so simple.

When I was little I looked forward to that day in winter where the good commercials came on television.  I didn't know they were surrounded by football at the time.   However, for years now (to me and others)the commercials were "meh, nothing special". Occasionally you'd get a cute one or a witty commercial but the kind that causes belly-chuckles, you know what I'm talking about America, is a rare commodity.  

Anyways, my favorite far are these:

Dorito's kid:  I'm a Dorito's fiend, ask my best friend J or his wife Kelly.  This commercial was cute, funny and unexpected all at once.

Vader-wagon Passat:  Being a self-admitted Star Wars GEEK, NERD (proudly) This is beyond cute and so basic.  The best part is the kids reaction.  PRICELESS.

This one is awesome.

Anyways...nothing else on my mind...I take that back.

Almost 2 weeks ago I placed some book on reserve in the library, if you must know they are Star Wars books( Yes, I have a hot girlfriend and she likes them too, be jealous closet Jedi) anyways, they have been "In Transit" since.  C'mon, really??

                     TO BE CONTINUED

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